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New Evening SERVICES

614 Service

The 614 Service is a new church service available on Sunday evenings for anyone that would like to attend! This is a place where you can grab a plate of food, sit at a round table, talk amongst others about what's going on in your life and then hear about the truth in a way you may not have heard before. This is for everyone, no matter what you've done in your life, who you are, or what is going on. Come check it out Sunday night at 6:00pm located in the main room of Buckeye Christian Church starting on February 16!  Kid's service and Youth Group will also be available during the evening services. 

Current Series

We have started a new sermon series titled "Walking With Jesus".  You can view our LIVE STREAM on our Church's App, Website, or Facebook page on Sundays starting at 11:15am.

Live Chat is available on our Mobile App during each Live stream.

Service Times

Sunday Services

9:15am & 11:00am

 Sunday Child Care


Sun. Youth Group


Sunday LIVE Stream



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