Ministry Leader
Julie Thomason
Ladies Night
October Ladies Night is Cancelled for the Fall Festival (Oct 19)
Monday, October 28 @ 6:00pm
Many of us crave those connections women have within friendships, but we are either too busy or we feel like we can't step into that first conversation. God created all of us for community (Acts 2:42), but we have all felt isolated in today's world. We want to give you the opportunity to make those friendships and community by attending a monthly hangout with ladies just like yourself! There is no pressure to RSVP or attend regularly. This is a time where you can grab a drink of your preference, sit for a short devotional, and spend some time hanging out & connecting with others. We'll be meeting on the fourth Monday of every month starting at 6:00pm. We hope you can join us for some much-needed quality time.
New Bible Study
In-person Meetings
Every Wednesday | 9am or 6:30pm
If you are struggling with the current state of our nation and politics, this study may help you by looking at government holistically from God's point of view. This 5-week study begins on Wednesday, October 2 with two classes available at either 9am or 6:30pm. The workbook is $20 due when you receive your book. Please register no later than September 22 so materials can be ordered. Contact Kim Andrews with questions.